How To Send Gifts On IMVU With Promo Credits

How To Send Gifts On IMVU With Promo Credits 2021


IMVU means Instant Massaging Virtual Universe. It is an online social networking site. It was launched in 2004. The main theme or moto of the site is to create a virtual 3D avatar. Here, it acts as platform by which anyone can create new friend by which they get to meet new people, chat, create and play games by creating a group.

How to Select Gift from IMVU Catalog?

The first thing one have to know is how to select the gift item because this is the important element for sending a gift. It is quite easy if you follow the below step.

  1. Go to your IMVU website, then log into your account .
  2. Then go to shop menu and browse the catalog.
  3. Here you can choose your gift item or you can write manually on the search bar.
  4. Click on items name or picture.
  5. While clicking on the picture the products information list will open then add it to the gift link.
  6. The gift will be added to your gift list, ones the gift is added to your list you can now send it to anyone.
  7. Now you can buy and send gift to your friend.

The IMVU is a very popular platform for social networking according to senses. It has a client value approximately of 6 M + active users.

It has the largest good or products catalog of more them 40 million items which is vast site we can choose different things according to you choice.

Gifting is the main element of this, IMVU website which gives quite experience. The important experience do this website is you can exchange your gifts with other fellow players. For exchanging gifts IMVU has given two ways first one is by avatar card on the other hand second one is by directly from the shop. If you decide to send gift from avatar card then you can send gifts that are in the persons wish list the choice is yours we can use both ways.

How To Send Gifts On IMVU With Promo Credits

How To Send Gifts On IMVU With Promo Credits

It is quite simple like other normal credit it is simple to send promo credit. When you log into your IMVU account there is an amount of your promo credit you will find it on the tool or information bar on the top of your screen.

Then browse into your, IMVU catalog then choose the item you want to gift then simply click on the, Buy now button the gift will be sent.

How to send gift from IMVU from the avatar card?

If you are new to website ten lets say if you follow some simple steps it is quite easy to send gift from the avatar card.

  • At first you should pull out the gifts avatar card then you will see gift option appears.
  • Then click on the picture of the avatar of user.
  • From the friends menu you can search your friend list.
  • Now click on the gift icon and send gift to your friend.

How to send gift on the IMVU from the gift shop?

You can also gift from the shop directly with out any difficulties just with a click that simple.

  • Go to shop menu on IMVU.
  • Choose the gift item that you want to send.
  • Click on the ellipsis or the three dots on the lower right side of the item.
  • The product card of the item will appear.
  • You will get available option click on the gift option you want to send.
  • Choose the friend whom you want to send the gift.
  • The last step is click on the send button to send the gift.

What steps should be followed to give or transfer credit on IMVU?

The another important thing of this IMVU website is you can give or transfer credit with your close one, If you follow this steps.

  • Log into your IMVU account.
  • Then click on credit menu select give credit.
  • A form will appear fill the form as well click the give button.
  • Click on the yes button the credit transfer will be successful.

What is the way to redeem your IMVU gift card?

How To Send Gifts On IMVU With Promo Credits

IMVU offers redeemable gift cards only for US users to redeem your gift card you need to follow some steps.

  • Click on the IMVU gift card page.
  • Now see back of the gift card for redemption code.
  • Then enter the code in the field to redeem the gift card.
  • It may take few moments for redemption of the gift till then wait for the credit to be added to your account.

How to earn credit on IMVU?

There are many ways by which one can earn credit on IMVU which is very useful because you have option to transfer credit.

  • On you FB page become fan of IMVU you will directly get 500 credit.
  • If you share or refer IMVU to friends or close one you will earn 1500 credit.
  • Try to play games with your friends to warn credit.

How to gift VIP on IMVU?

Yes if you want gift VIP to someone on IMVU you can do it but it can be done only if you gift with a credit card or Pay pal subscription method you can’t gift the IMVU gift card unless you send the card as well recipient.

What is the AP cost on IMVU?

According to senses the AP cost of IMVU is around 5.50$. It is quite easy to buy it one can use credit card, Pay Pal and other supported payments method to pay the fees.

Wrap Up

IMVU is a very useful social networking site it unites people together, where you can buy gifts for your friends for playing it has got a wide range of gifts collection so you don’t need to take headaches for buying a gift just log into your IMVU account buy and sent gift as well as promo credit.

The promo credit transfer us also very useful so that if you need help you may take credit from your friends.

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